Arm lift Surgery in Dubai


Even if you’re in good health and shape, your skin may not be as supple as it once was. If you’ve had success with weight loss surgery or dieting, one undesirable outcome can occur: flabby skin dangling from your upper arms.

To reduce this annoying problem, one option is  an arm lift. This procedure has become quite popular among people who have lost significant weight and want to tighten the skin around their arms.

What is arm lift surgery in Dubai?

An arm lift surgery, or Brachioplasty in Dubai, removes extra skin from the upper arms. Underarm fat is removed during the operation, usually by liposuction, and the underlying tissue is tightened. The remaining skin is moved over the newly realigned features to provide a more toned appearance.

Dr Demetrius is a highly reputable surgeon who can assist you in realising your goals. 

When does an arm lift surgery become essential?

People who lose weight frequently aren’t the only ones facing the issue of loose skin around the arms. Your age is also a factor resulting in extra bags beneath your arms. You’ll probably notice this outcome if you’ve experienced a large weight reduction or weight fluctuation.

If this applies to you, a Brachioplasty in Dubai, often known as an arm lift, can improve the contour. It eliminates the extra, sagging skin and fat that extends from the armpit to the elbow.

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What are the different types of treatment options for arm lift surgery in Dubai?

Mini / Traditional Arm Lift: This arm lift is suggested for persons who want minimal change and have a tiny amount of extra skin near their armpits and upper arms. Comparatively, this arm lift’s incisions are less extensive than extended or full arm lifts.

Extended Arm lift: Patients with excessive loose skin at the lower area of their arms typically are suggested to get an extended arm lift. This method involves making incisions from the elbow to the armpits. In each scenario, the process is different.

What is the procedure for arm lift surgery?

An arm lift surgery is performed under local or general anaesthesia and may take 1-2 hours to complete.

It starts with an incision in your armpit to the inside of your elbow. The extra fat is then suctioned away with a cannula. The sagging skin is then removed and closed using sutures and dressings.

How long does it take to recover completely?

For most patients, arm lift recovery time is brief, albeit it varies for each person. The swelling will go down in about 2-3 days, but it may take around 1-2 weeks to heal fully. Patients must schedule routine check-ups with our surgeon to ensure a speedy recovery.

Why choose Dr Demetrius for arm lift surgery in Dubai?

Dr Demetrius Evriviades is one of the top cosmetic surgeons in Dubai. He specialises in complicated surgical procedures, including arm lifts, tummy tucks, liposuction, and more. He ensures remarkable adherence to aesthetic requirements while upholding safety standards. Many people with sagging arms have benefited greatly from his Brachioplasty surgeries.

So, if you want tighter, more sculpted arms for a while, schedule an appointment to discuss it with Dr Demetrius.