Factors you must consider before undergoing Lipo-Abdominoplasty

Pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and ageing can all have an effect on the appearance of your midsection. You may wish for a trimmed, youthful stomach. You are dissatisfied with the results no matter how hard you work out or eat healthily. Excess skin and tissue cannot be eliminated through exercise or diet.
Lipo-Abdominoplasty could be the answer you’re looking for. Also known as Tummy Tuck, this procedure can help you regain your sculpted core. Your midsection is trimmed and reshaped, which results in a smoother appearance.
Potential patients should learn about a procedure before undergoing it. This treatment for sure has numerous advantages, but there are some challenges too that you might not have considered.
What is Lipo-abdominoplasty?
Lipo-abdominoplasty is a more advanced tummy tuck that incorporates cutting-edge liposuction techniques. By extracting excess skin and fat and tightening loose abdominal muscles, this procedure trims, flattens, and firms a bulging abdomen. A Lipo-abdominoplasty may be appropriate if you are having difficulty flattening your abdomen after pregnancy or despite exercise and weight loss.
Lipo-abdominoplasty, as previously stated, aids in flattening and reshaping the abdomen and waist. It removes the excess fat and skin that leads to tightening the abdominal wall muscles. Our cosmetic surgeon, Dr Demetrius Evriviades, creates an “internal corset” effect by tightening the underlying muscles, resulting in a beautifully balanced waistline and abdominal silhouette.
Here are a few factors you should know before having a Lipo-Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck
It’s not just liposuction
Although liposuction may be included in an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is more than just fat removal. Your abdominal muscles will be reshaped, and excess skin will be removed during your procedure. You will adore your new appearance, but please remember that the procedure will leave a scar. The incision is placed carefully so that it can be concealed by clothing, pants, and swimsuit bottoms.
You must be close to your target weight
It is preferable if your weight has been within 15 pounds of your goal weight for six to twelve months prior to having your tummy tuck. A tummy tuck can aid you in achieving a lean, sculpted abdomen, but it is not a weight loss solution. Weight gain or loss can undo your tummy tuck! Weight fluctuations can cause abdominal tissues to stretch. You’ll lose your new, contoured appearance, and you’ll need another procedure to restore the original lipo-abdominoplasty results.
A tummy tuck will, of course, leave a permanent scar. However, because it runs across the bikini line, it is easily hidden and will fade over time. Our experienced surgeon positions the incision in a way that it is easily concealed by clothing or pants.
One of the problem with the traditional tummy tuck is that it leaves a scar around the tummy button. Dr Demetrius has a unique technique of creating a new tummy button leaving the scar hidden deep in the new umbilicus where is cannot be seen. The “scarless tummy button”.
Surgical drain placement
The surgeon inserts a surgical drains during lipo-abdominoplasty. This is done to prevent fluid buildup behind the incision and to reduce swelling. The surgical drains will be left in place for one night and then removed before you go home. With a lipoabdominoplasty the days of carting drains around for many days following surgery are over. Your surgeon will go over all of the dos and don’ts with you. Bathing should be done with care. Bathing with perfumed soaps, old washcloths, and other such items should be avoided, and anti-bacterial products should be used after the tummy tuck.
Significant recovery time is required
After the surgery, you should expect to be at home for about two weeks. This is a major surgical procedure that requires incisions. Any activity more strenuous than light walking should be avoided to avoid putting strain on the incisions. You will not be bedridden, but in order to recover successfully, you must be cautious and limit your physical activity. During this time, you will feel a moderate amount of pain in the beginning, and you may be fatigued and sore. This is normal, and with some rest, there will be a significant improvement.
Changes in Lifestyle
It is recommended that you avoid smoking after this procedure because it slows the healing process. Smoking decreases blood flow to the skin, which can be extremely harmful. Aspirin, other anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements that cause bleeding should also be avoided. Also, keep in mind that the results of this procedure will be visible, and you will have the taut abdomen you have always desired!
Lipo-Abdominoplasty procedure can be effective when diet and exercise fail
Even if you’ve committed to eating healthy and exercising regularly, you may still experience sagging skin and bulging tissue in your midsection. You’re disappointed because you can’t alter the appearance of your bloated, stretched-out abdomen. A tummy tuck can give you the sculpted results you desire. This procedure sculpts and smooths the muscle and tissue while weight fluctuations stretch abdominal tissues.
Maintain realistic expectations
It is critical to have realistic expectations for your TUMMY TUCK RESULTS. While tummy tucks can result in a flat, toned abdomen, they will always leave some sort of scar. Furthermore, you should be aware of how long side effects such as swelling will last and when your final results will be visible. It is critical to have realistic expectations about what you can expect from this procedure.
Considerations for Lipo-abdominoplasty recovery for parents of small children
Picking up and chasing small children will be dangerous after lipo-abdominoplasty! While older children can assist you, such as feeding the dog or carrying groceries, you will need to arrange for child care for a few weeks after surgery. Resist the urge to minimise the amount of time it will take to recover—invest this time in your recovery, and you will be rewarded with stunning results.
Consult Dr Demetrius and make an informed decision
If lipo-abdominoplasty can help you feel more confident in yourself, it may be the right procedure for you. It is always best to do your research before committing to any surgery to ensure that you do not end up regretting your decision for your body.
Dr Demetrius Evriviades our board-certified cosmetic surgeon, specialises in achieving beautiful cosmetic results from body contouring surgery. In your one-on-one consultation, he will help you decide if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck and will provide personalised advice.
Book an appointment today!